
Showing posts from December, 2021

My Opinion On AAVE

    First and foremost, I believe that Black Vernacular English (BEV) is a dialect and not a language. People believe that when west Africans were brought to the U.S and learned English some of their original language was mixed, which led to the dialect that we now call BEV. White people at that time saw the people that spoke this way, lacked education. The vocabulary and the grammar that is being used by someone reveals their identity, this is essential because communication is the way humans share emotions, ideas, and experiences. An example of the AAVE vs standard American English would be:           AAVE: He do what he wants.          SAE: He does what he wants.      I first discovered this dialect a couple of years ago when I listened to rap songs. As time progressed I slowly started to use AAVE vocabulary words in my everyday life. Instead of saying "She is very beautiful" I say "She bad". I also occ...