Blog#7 TEWWG, Zora Neale Hurston's early life and accomplishments.
TEWWG: Their Eyes Were Watching God is a novel that narrates the adventure Janie Crawford's look for love. The entire story which captured Janie's 40 years of her life is told one evening by Janie to her friend Pheoby Watson. Her adventure for love contained four relationships. She began by seeking love from her Nanny (Janie's grandmother), who had raised her. She was then introduced to Logan Killicks by her. Who Janie ended up leaving for Joe Starks. Janie's and Stark's relationship was bumpy however they lasted 20 years together, during their relationship Janie earned the position of being the mayor's wife. Starks died but Janie still felt like she wasn't well treated, loved and respected. Janie's third and final relationship was with Tea Cake who wasn't as financially stable Starks but he offered Janie's simple wish of being loved. Their marriage ended after 18 months after a hurricane which had wrecked Tea Cake. When Janie returns to Ea...